The 2022 Living Planet Symposium (LPS22) will take place at the World Conference Center in Bonn, Germany, on 23–27 May 2022, under the overarching theme: Taking the Pulse of Our Planet from Space. 

The Internal ESA Call for LPS22 sessions and networking activities is now open.

All ESA EOP staff are invited to submit proposals that best fit their interests and departmental priorities in the following categories: 

  • Scientific sessions in dedicated rooms:
    • Open scientific sessions – if your proposed session is accepted by the Programme Committee, the EO community will have the possibility to submit abstracts in October 2021 and will be peer-reviewed by a Scientific Committee. Accepted abstracts will be consolidated in sessions of five presentations.

    • Invited sessions – the proposers will be responsible for justifying the session and for inviting around five speakers. Invited sessions are limited to exceptional cases.

  • Agora sessions will be in dedicated open spaces and offer interactive formats such as moderated panel discussions, roundtables and short presentations. The events include: Open Forums, DeepDives, Talking Business, Issue Briefs and Launches and Awards.

  • Networking events should aim to stimulate interactive participation in the symposium through informal breakfasts, labs such as hackathons and bilateral meetings with industry and institutional partners.

Scientific session proposals will be reviewed by the LPS22 Programme Committee based on fair balance, space availability, quality, innovation and relevance to the symposium. Similarly, agora sessions and networking events which will be evaluated by the LPS22 Core Team.

For open scientific sessions, proposers are encouraged to stimulate abstract submissions, while proposers of similar sessions might be requested to merge them.

You can submit your proposal through the following pages. Please consider that, as an applicant, you will be the point of contact for the specific session/event you propose.

Each submission requires relevant information such as: type of event, title, description, relevance to LPS22, expected number of attendees, partners, presenters,suggested reviewers. Note: for open scientific sessions, we expect eight or more suggested reviewers per proposed session.

Deadline for submission of session proposals is 23 June 2021. Feedback on received proposals will be provided by beginning July 2021.